J. E. Donnelley, A Distributed Capability Computing System, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Communication, August 1976, pp. 432-440:

J. E. Donnelley, Managing Domains in a Network Operating System, Proceedings of Local Networks and Distributed Office Systems Conference, London, May 1981, pp. 345-361.

William Allan Wulf, Hydra C.mmp: An Experimental Computer System, McGraw Hill, June 1981 ISBN: 0070721203

Mark S. Miller, David Krieger, Norman Hardy, Chris Hibbert, E. Dean Tribble, “An Automated Auction in ATM Network Bandwidth” in Market Based Control, ed. Scott H. Clearwater (World Scientific, New Jersey, 1996, ISBN=9810222548), pp. 94-125. (Summary)

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Michael D. Schroeder, Cooperation of Mutually Suspicious Subsystems in a Computer Utility MAC TR-104, MIT 1972

See this for references to the language “Actors”.

Robert Morris, Eddie Kohler, John Jannotti, and M. Frans Kaashoek
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Edited by A. van Wijngaarden, et al; ISBN = 0387075925

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Butler Lampson, Protection. Proc. 5th Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, 1971. Reprinted in ACM Operating Systems Rev. 8, 1 (Jan. 1974), pp 18-24.