It is not easy to move an object from one Keykos system to another. Moving the source that defines the objects therein and the script for building the object is the state of the art.
A queasy idea arose an hour ago. Some banks would be in a position to disassemble and return as data whatever had been built from the space yielded by the bank. Dealing with such banks would defeat some of the Keykos protections. Some sort of goodness lattice for banks would be needed and the query as to whether a proffered bank is valid could be extended to include consideration of ‘good enough’. This would be like factories vouching for siblings concerning holes. Indeed the logic might fit better in the factory which could conditionally supply externalized forms of itself or exporters of its normal yield. A supplier of proprietary code would not find such a factory satisfactory. Objects that in normal practice acquire keys to other things would probably not be suitable for export.
There are several complications!