Check list for intorducing user code to define a new object type This is just for the current state of development. Create a file in /home/norm/p4/keykos/main/src/domains/testdoamins/ contents: #include "keykos.h" KEY caller = 2; char title[]="ZOT "; SINT32 factory() { JUMPBUF; LDEXBL (caller,2); FORKJUMP(); return;} ----------------- Create, in the same directory, a command file zot.cmd: dontents: kc user/sys/bsloadf 0 (,sb,m,sb) (,bsload) kc user/sys/vcsf 0 (,sb,m,sb) (,prg) kc bsload 0 (,test/zot,prg) (sa) kc prg 17 (,sb) (,prgfac) kc user/sys/factoryc 0 (,sb,m) (,fb) kc fb 17+32 (sa,prgfac) kc fb 66 () (,user/sys/zotf) zot.cmd builds a factory whose yield is an instance obeying the code which unconditionally tells the requestor to go away and doesn't even delete itself. zot.cmd explicitly invokes the factory creator and then the factory builder's key. In Makefile we find a line: DOMAINS = clockc stackt We modify that line by appending " zot": DOMAINS = clockc stackt zot The "make" Unix command in /home/norm/p4/keykos/main does its thing which include building zot.o and zot in /home/norm/p4/keykos/main/src/domains/testdoamins. Thru some slightly disreputable magic a copy of files zot & zot.cmd appear in a Keykos directory "user/test/". When invoking the Keykos command system we can say cmdfile stackt.cmd and the program described in will run. After booting the resulting system you can log into systool where "ls test/" yields a directlry listing that includes zot.cmd and zot. The command "cmdfile zot.cmd" performs the key invocations in aot.cmd and leaves the zot factory at user/sys/zotf. "kc user/sys/zotf 0 (,sb,m,sb) (,j)" provikes return code 2, which is from your program. We anticipate an arangement, perhaps soon, where command files such as this are automatically executed before anyone logs in.