New users can be joined by anyone willing to pay for the space and CPU time. Normally users are joined under the context USERS of userid GNOSIS. Gnosis has enough keys so that some of these users can be relatively powerful. Any user that wishes to sponsor others may give the sponsoree and subset of the keys he holds and be completely responsible for the new user.
SPACEBANK is the bank that the new user will use.
METER is the meter that the new user will run under.
WAIT is the users wait object. The user environment will have a wait multiplexor built on this wait object.
ZAPPER is the ZMK key that should be installed in the LUD (use the ADDLUDKY command).
USERDOT is the USER. that will show up in the new user's directory. Put any keys you want the new user to have into this directory.
SWITCHERDOM is the domain key to the Context switcher {the SWITCHER domain} of the new user. Valuable if the Context switcher ever breaks and hangs the user out to dry).
NEWCMDSYS is a key that lets the user replace the command system factory of his context switcher.