OSCOM is the key that is installed in the program domain c-slot 1 and is the communication key with the OSSIM domain.
OSCOM(0) - used by the OS Simulator to pass keys. See (ossim-logic,osepp) for a complete description of this key.
OSCOM(1) - used by the OS Simulator to pass keys.
OSCOM(2,(8,ddname),(2,slot); ==> c,(2,slot);KEY) The capability defined by ddname is returned as KEY. The capability must exist, this call cannot be used to create objects. The slot designation is present to provide compatibility with an earlier implementation. Slot must be greater than 2 but is ignored otherwise. c=0 means that the designated ddname was located by the FILEDEF domain. c=2 means that the ddname is undefined or the directory entry is nonexistent. c=3 means that slot was less than 3.
OSCOM(4 ==> 0,DOMKEY) returns the synthetic domain key.
OSCOM(5,(rc);SB ==>) (non-binder only) Destroys the OS program domain (using SB as the space bank), return is to the original caller of the OS program domain. No keys are returned. RC is a four byte binary value that becomes the return code.
OSCOM(6,(rc);SB ==>) {non-binder only} Destroys the OS program domain {using SB as the space bank} and returns the SIK,SOK,PARM keys to the caller of the OS program. RC is a four byte binary value that becomes the return code.
OSCOM(7) Reset OS simulator to conditions at creation time. Internal files are forgotten, and memory allocation will begin at the same place as specified at creation time.
OSCOM(8) - OSFD order code 0
OSCOM(9) - OSFD order code 1
OSCOM(10) - OSFD order code 2
OSCOM(11) - Provide File directory and Clock for SVC202 support. String is 8 characters of terminal info as in CCK return on terminal type
OSCOM(12) - Toggle SPIE support off and on. It is initially on. When off interupts go to DDT.
OSCOM(13) - Provide a SB and Meter for SVC 202 support. OSCOM(11) should follow OSCOM(13).
OSCOM(14) Breaks the OS simulator (used to debug it)
OSCOM(kt ==> x'314')
OSCOM(kt+4; ==> ;) (binder only) Destroys the OS simulator domain.