A primitive meter keeper creator
A primitive meter keeper
MKEEPER(kt+4; ==> c)
Return codes
c = 1 Meter keeper still holds restart keys and will not destroy itself.
METMON(0,name; sb,m ==> c; m2,n) Create and monitor meter
1: sb is not an official prompt space bank
2: sb can't provide a node.
3: name is already in use.
4: name is invalid - not all present or > 64 bytes in length
5: can't add name to record collection
1: name not in use
4: name is invalid - not all present or > 64 bytes in length
Return code c:
1: Can't fetch from key m, or its slot 3 isn't a data key
3: name is already in use.
4: name is invalid - not all present or > 64 bytes in length
5: can't add name to record collection
where the first two are in long floating point format, and flag is 0 or 2, the order code by which the meter was added. Recent time is in units of seconds. It is the value of a variable which is updated once a minute as follows: it is halved, and then the CPU time used under the meter since the last updating is added.