Slot 10 of a domain should hold a key to a symbol table
for that domain. DDT {(p2,sym-tab)
and (p2,sym-tab1)} expects
to find it there.
Here is a proposed extension to domain identification conventions.
Slot 10 holds a node key to "pedigree" node. This node
holds the key to the segment table. DDT interprets the pedigree
node. The pedigree node holds or points to descriptive {English}
information about the origin of this node. There may be
sensory keys in this node to other pedigrees.
Possible pedigrees might be:
This domain was created on Sept. 7, 1983, by Bill Frantz
who issued the command "OSFACT ZOTREQ TT 484".
This domain was created on Sept. 7, 1983, by the domain whose
pedigree key is found in slot 1 of this domain's pedigree.
This pedigree information might be coded. The information
might fit in data keys in the pedigree node especially if
it is coded.