CP Simulator Factory
The virtual domain may be described as an extended CPU with a nember of CP type functions added. It "traps" as would a normal domain upon events that are forign to CP such as when the "real domain" suffers rejected return codes. DOMKEY may be used to fetch and store keys in the real domain.
If the segment is new (zero) then the segment is set to reflect the specified type and size (in cylinders or blocks as appropriate). Formating is still required before use by the CMS file system. (Formating 3370 blocks with the NOERASE option will improve formating speed.)
If the segment has already been used by the CP simulator to simulate a disk, then size is ignored but type must match previous use. The type is coded in a segment at bytes 4 thru 11.
K1 may also be a RLINK or WLINK key.
1052 - K1 is a SIK6 key, K2 is a SOK6 key, K3 is a CCK6 key, and K4 is an optional ZMK key for simulation of the DISCONN command.
c=0 - Device defined
c=1 - No Device blocks left to define new devices
c=2 - Device type not recognized
c=10 - Device type specified not the same as the device type defined by the segment or the segment can not be accessed (DASD devices).
K1 is a key to a segment that holds that state of a simulated disk.
Return Codes:
c=1 - No Device blocks left to define new devices
c=2 - Device type not recognized
c=10 - Device type of the segment not recognized, or the segment can not be accessed. Old key at that address is gone nonetheless.