Minidisks are simulated in segments. The format of the
segment is controled by the CP simulator and is initialized
when the segment key is first introduced through the DEFINEDEVICE
key. The normal CP read-only, read-write, and multi-write
access controls are performed by LINK objects (kor,linkf).
A minidisk factory exists to create 3370 minidisk fresh
segments and an associated link object
Where n is the number of 512 byte blocks, PSB,M, and
SB are the normal prompt space bank, meter and space bank.
If c is zero, OWNER, RLINK, and WLINK are keys to the link
object and SEG is a key to the underling fresh segment.
The segment has been initialized as a 3370 disk with n FBA-512
blocks.If c is 1 or 2, it isa factory return code and the
4 keys are DK0. If c is 4 there was a failure in initializing
the segment and the 4 keys are DK0.