If P is a page key then:
P(39;==>c;) stores zeroes in all of the page. This operation may not require having the page in core. c=0 if P is read/write, kt+2 if read-only.
P(4096+A, string; ==> c;) where 0 <= A < 4096, stores string in the page starting at address A in the page. c is 0 if ok, 1 if length of string + A > 4096, kt+2 if P has the read-only bit on.
{ni}P(41==>c) Returns c=0 if page holds 4096 zero bytes and c=1 otherwise.
P(kt;==>c;) returns binary R001000000010 in c where R is the read only bit {(p1,robit)}.