{“request object”} If 0 <= n < X’C0000000' and n isn’t kt then RF(n;PSB,M,W,EXIT) has the following effect:
{1Feb85}The domain creator is called by DC(12;PSB,FM,W ==> c;D). FM is the factory’s meter, not the requestor’s {to help ensure promptness}. If the return code c is nonzero, it is returned to EXIT with a string of (4,19).
{1Feb85}In the above call, the meter M passed is the factory’s meter, not the requestor’s. If the return code c is nonzero, it is returned to EXIT with a string of (4,n) where n is the component number of X (16, 17, or 18).
A component X is viewed as a requestor’s key by a factory F if X was installed as a component by the “install requestor’s key” command.
The general key slots of D hold:
Slot 1: If the factory’s starting address is -3, this slot has PSB {for the case when using the binder and W isn’t a bank}, otherwise this slot has W.
Slot 2: (2016: EXIT) the resume key from invoker of requestor’s key
Slot 3: a domain key to D with C3 rights
Slot 4: PSB {guaranteed official and prompt}.
Slot 5: M.
Slot 6: The factory’s domain creator without destroy rights
Slot 7: If the factory’s starting address is -1 or -3, this slot has the .factory’s .program {normally an l-seg factory}, otherwise it is empty.
Slot 15: If the factory’s starting address is -3, this slot has W, otherwise it is DK(0).
Other slots are DK(0).
The PSW is X’0F0300000000’ plus the starting address, or, if the latter is -1 or -3, 16.
{nonref}We do not provide for a byte string argument to RF. To do so would require that private read/write memory be provided to D by the factory. Additional data can be passed by an extended jump protocol (p3,ejp).
On 6-Mar-85 the time of this operation plus undoing it is about 17 ms on a 4341.
c=1 and RFX is a fetcher or requestor’s key to a factory with .holes other than those of RF or
c=2 and RFX is not a fetcher or requestor’s key.
For the purpose of this operation, FACTORYC is treated as though it is a requestor’s key to a factory with no holes.