I look at the six ‘Imperatives’ and I don’t see anything like a plan to achieve anything soon. My plan, by contrast, selects some useful system in the consumer domain replaces a layer of software which leaves most applications stranded, then builds adaptors for those applications that adapt them to the new world. Key Logic accomplished this much with an outlay of a few million dollars. At this point you have some utility for a class of bleeding edge users with critical security needs. Following this you expand your adaptor support and rapidly accommodate many applications without involvement of their authors. These applications don’t fit together like Apple or others planned but inter app logic is still not a terribly important thing in today’s consumer technology. How you fit them together depends on ‘Imperative 3: Prepare Consumers to Thrive in a Digital Age’ which will come only gradually.
This provides quick payoff for a small but critical group but I predict that system architects, seeing the new plan, will gradually move to it and after a decade the advantages of the new plan (caps) will be able to deliver security to whomever has benefited from Imperative 3.
A concurrent activity is in support of industrial infrastructure whose details I am not familiar with. This largely shares code and design. This might bear on the cloud but that is moving so fast that I have not kept up. It was once an easy task but I imagine that that sector may have succumbed to software bloat.