We get specific enough to write some cartoon code. By ‘cartoon’ I mean real enough to run in some sort of test environment while interacting with various sorts of DSR code.
I will assume links with enough software to make them authentic and secret enough. Network logic requires integrity but no secrecy. Nodes and link providers may choose to provide and advertise secrecy for a premium. I assume that the links stay up for days at a time, but that some code here must deal with links coming and going.
The plan is to attribute meaning to control messages and provide that meaning in informal English. This is an alternative to trying to describe the behavior of a recipient to such messages. Indeed the whole point of DSR is to provide for the evolution of such meanings even as the network runs. This is in stark contrast to the meaning of computer instructions which must be rigorously fixed over long time spans. Perhaps an Axelrod type tournament could explore antisocial opportunities in the DSR world! Here we plan for dumb nodes to go broke and smart ones to prosper, in an overall ecology such that nodes must contribute to the commonweal to prosper.
Size in bits | Value | significance
32 | v | value field
| 16 | s | payload size in bytes
| 8 | tc | count of 4 bit turn ops
| 4*tc | turn ops | how to get there
| (tc&1)*4 | pad | payload starts on byte.
| 8*s | payload | to be delivered to eventual recipient
| |
For simplicity I ignore here questions of QoS and ‘circuits’.