Some of my work

Past ., PL, Open Access
Words[Spelling, Wiktionary; thesaurus; Philosophical Dictionary; usage, Wiki, French [Wiktionnaire, Littré], ngram], Chinese, translate[Bing; Google]; NGram

Subsections: Friends’ Pages; Search Engines; Weather; PaloAlto Movies; books; Math & Physics; Stanford Seminars, Linux, Unix; Computer Languages; Crypto; Hardware; Networks; WWW, Digital Money; IBM world; Economics; Flight Information; Music, 2nd Life; Think Tanks; Software Licenses; AI


BBC; NPR; NY Times; The Economist; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post; The Guardian; Bloomberg; CS Monitor; Deutsche Welle, LA Times; KQED; The Atlantic; Nate Silver; Washington Times; S.F. Chronicle; The Intercept; Le Monde; Times Online CNN; San Jose Mercury News; Sacremento Bee; Der Spiegel; Australia; Ελληνικές; Others
stocks; bonds; Financial Times; MarketWatch; Business Week
SlashDot; Technology Review; TechDirt; Techmeme; Tech Crunch; Ars Technica; Enquirer; The Register; Wired; Mac Rumors; CCIA; zdnet
Pro Publica; Wikileaks; Epoch Times; Slate; Medium; (old news); Weekly Standard; Microprocessor Report; The Onion
New Scientist, American Scientist, Nature, Science News, Physics Today, Science (AAAS); The Edge, Life, Life, Encyclopedia of Life, ENCODE (Logic of our DNA), Plants, Life on Earth, Psych, uploading; Mind-Brain
UTC .; GPS Details; NTP; Leap seconds[Theory; Practice; CSE; IERS]; zone map; calendar; Time Stamps
Natural Boundaries, Friedman; CC; Yale
EDA, CIA, NSA J OS; Canadian Crypto; GCHQ; NGA; NRO; LOC; Dept of State, IDA, US_PTO; FCC, CBO,; US Embassies; UN Members; Cyber; Calif Fire
World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements
Libertarians; EPIC; EPIC recommends some VPN providers; PIELC; Lumen; Issues; Americans Elect; African Governments
Idea Futures; First Monday; Foresight; MIT’s STS; Plato, Wittgenstein, Voltaire; Art, Graphis; Math Art; Dilbert, xkcd . . . . . . . . ! . . . . Saga; Backlinks; POTS country codes. 2016; Area Codes; US Phone Book; Official Whois; too; Maps[MapQuest, Google, MS, Waze]; Mac[shortcuts; Macworld; fix, Mac man pages]; GNUdoc; GNU; The game of GO; EPGY; OSI; Habitat; Petname Toolbar; Illusions; AllMyData list; Viewpoints Research Institute; Google pubs; Private Astroid Watch; PGE outage; Intellectual Dark Web
History of Recent Technology:
Computer History Museum; Historical Computer Designs; Mac; Livermore; 7094; Multics
The parts compose the whole while the whole comprises the parts. add ons