
1.1.5. Translations and variants

a) The definitive version D of this Report is written in English. A translation T of this Report into some other language is an acceptable translation if:

· T defines the same set of production trees as D, except that

  1. the originals contained in each production tree of T may be different protonotions obtained by some uniform translation of the corresponding originals contained in the corresponding production tree of D, and
  2. descendents of those production trees need not be the same if their originals are predicates {1.3.2 };
· T defines the meaning { } of each of its programs to be the same as that of the corresponding program defined by D;

· T defines the same reference language {9.4 } and the same standard environment {10} as D;

· T preserves, under another mode of expression, the meaning of each section of D except that:

  1. different syntactic marks { } may be used {with a correspondingly different metaproduction rule for "ALPHA" {1.3.1.B }} ;
  2. the method of derivation of the production rules { } and their interpretation { } may be changed to suit the peculiarities of the particular natural language {; e.g., in a highly inflected natural language, it may be necessary to introduce some inflections into the hypernotions, for which changes such as the following might be required:
    1. additional means for the creation of extra metaproduction rules { };
    2. a more elaborate definition of "consistent substitute" { };
    3. a more elaborate definition of "equivalence" between protonotions { };
    4. different inflections for paranotions { };
  3. some pragmatic remarks {1.1.2 } may be changed.

b) A version of this Report may, additionally, define a "variant of ALGOL 68" by providing:

  1. additional or alternative representations in the reference language {9.4 },
  2. additional or alternative rules for the notion 'character glyph' { } and for the metanotions "ABC" {} and "STOP" {10.1.1.B },
  3. additional or alternative declarations in the standard environment which must, however, have the same meaning as the ones provided in D;
provided always that such additional or alternative items are delineated in the text in such a way that the original language, as defined in D, is still defined therein.