
2.1.5. Abbreviations

{In order to avoid some long and turgid phrases which would otherwise have been necessary in the Semantics, certain abbreviations are used freely throughout the text of this Report.}

a) The phrase "the A of B", where A and B are paranotions, stands for "the A which is a direct descendent { } of B".

{This permits the abbreviation of "direct descendent of" to "of" or "its", e.g., in the assignation { } i := 1, i is "its" destination (or i is the, or a, destination "of" the assignation i := 1), whereas i is not a destination of the serial-clause i := 1; j := 2 (although it is a constituent destination { } of it).}

b) The phrase "C in E", where C is a construct and E is an environ, stands for "the scene composed { } of C and E". It is sometimes even further shortened to just "C" when it is clear which environ is meant.

{Since the process of elaboration { } may be applied only to scenes, this abbreviation appears most frequently in forms such as "A loop-clause C, in an environ E1, is elaborated ... " {3.5.2 } and "An assignation A is elaborated ... " ( , where it is the elaboration of A in any appropriate environ that is being discussed).}

c) The phrase "the yield of S", where S is a scene whose elaboration is not explicitly prescribed, stands for "the yield obtained by initiating the elaboration of S and awaiting its completion".

{Thus the sentence {3.2.2.c } :

"W is the yield of that unit;"
(which also makes use of the abbreviation defined in b above) is to be interpreted as meaning:
"W is the yield obtained upon the completion of the elaboration, hereby initiated, of the scene composed of that unit and the environ under discussion;" .

d) The phrase "the yields of S1, ... , Sn ", where S1, ... , Sn are scenes whose elaboration is not explicitly prescribed, stands for "the yields obtained by initiating the collateral elaboration { } of S1, ... , Sn and awaiting its completion {which implies the completion of the elaboration on them all} ".

If some or all of S1, ... , Sn are described as being, in some environ, certain constituents of some construct, then their yields are to be considered as being taken in the textual order { } of those constituents within that construct.

{Thus the sentence {3.3.2.b } :

"let V1, ... , Vm be the {collateral} yields of the constituent units of C;"
is to be interpreted as meaning:
"let V1, ... , Vm be the respective yields obtained upon the completion of the collateral elaboration, hereby initiated, of the scenes composed of the constituent units of C, considered in their textual order, together with the environ in which C was being elaborated;" .

e) The phrase "if A is B", where A and B are hypernotions, stands for "if A is equivalent { } to B".

{Thus, in "Case C: 'CHOICE' is some 'choice using UNITED'" {3.4.2.b }, it matters not whether 'CHOICE' happens to begin with 'choice using union of' or with some 'choice using MU definition of union of'.}

f) The phrase "the mode is A", where A is a hypernotion, stands for "the mode {is a class of 'MOID's which} includes A".

{This permits such shortened forms as "the mode is some 'structured with FIELDS mode'", "the mode begins with 'union of'", and "the mode envelops a 'FIELD'"; in general, a mode may be specified by quoting just one of the 'MOID's included in it.}

g) The phrase "the value selected (generated) by the field-selector F" stands for "if F is a field-selector-with-TAG {4.8.1.f }, then the value selected {, e ,} (generated { } ) by that 'TAG'".