
4.3. Priority declarations

{Priority-declarations are used to specify the priority of operators. Priorities from 1 to 9 are available.

Since monadic-operators have effectively only one priority-level, which is higher than that of all dyadic-operators, monadic-operators do not require priority-declarations.}

4.3.1. Syntax

a) NEST priority declaration of DECS{41a } : priority{94d } token, NEST priority joined definition of DECS{41b,c } .

b) NEST priority definition of priority PRIO TAD{41c } : priority PRIO NEST defining operator with TAD{48a } , is defined as{94d } token, DIGIT{94b} token, where DIGIT counts PRIO{c,d}.

c) WHETHER DIGIT1 counts PRIO i{b,c} : WHETHER DIGIT2 counts PRIO{c,d}, where (digit one digit two digit three digit four digit five digit six digit seven digit eight digit nine) contains (DIGIT2 DIGIT1).

d) WHETHER digit one counts i{b,c} : WHETHER true. {Examples:


PRIO ¦ 2, = 3
¦ = 2

4.3.2. Semantics

The elaboration of a priority-declaration {involves no action, yields no value and} is completed.