BNF syn defining occur: <I><A NAME="ident"><FONT COLOR=maroon>ident</FONT></A></I> BNF syn applied occur: <I><A HREF="^#letter"><FONT COLOR=maroon>letter</FONT></A></I> The caret above is either the null string or a local file name. <FONT COLOR=maroon>letter</FONT> in terminal say: ocaml str.cma open Str;; let s = regexp "&\\|<";; Replace each defining occurrence: <I><A NAME="ident"><FONT COLOR=maroon>ident</FONT></A></I> by <I><A NAME="ident" href=i.html#ident><FONT COLOR=maroon>ident</FONT></A></I> and keep a record of which file defined ,indent. For each applied occurrence <I><A HREF="#letter"><FONT COLOR=maroon>letter</FONT></A></I> note which defining occurrence it follows and collect such pairs.See Module Str, file IO, directory access
Routine zf ff pn applies function ff to the name of each html file in the directory whose local name is “man/pn”. When z finds a directory it calls itself recursively.
The program creates a list ndx of records:
{file: string; ident: string; tO: string}.
The definition defines category tO.
The definition occurs in file file.
The definition refers to category ident.
open Str;; let t = "abc#de";; search_forward (regexp "\\(.*\\)#") t 0;; matched_group 1 t;; => string = "abc" match_end ();; => int = 4
perl -pi -w -e 's/libref/http:\/\/\/pub\/docs\/manual-ocaml\/libref/g' *.html
in order not to have to include the big libref subdirectory.
I usually hate perl.
module CS = (String : sig type t val compare : t -> t -> int end);; better: module CS = (String : Map.OrderedType);; module Ndx = Map.Make (CS);; better: module Ndx = Map.Make ((String : Map.OrderedType));; Best: module Ndx = Map.Make ((String));; module SS = Set.Make ((String));; let m1 = Ndx.singleton "first" (SS.empty);; SS.is_empty SS.empty;; => true SS.is_empty (Ndx.find "first" m1);; => true let m2 = Ndx.add "second" (SS.union (SS.singleton "Ein") (SS.singleton "zwei"));;