From page 31 of “A Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves” by George Salmon, Cambridge, 1879
(n − 1)(n − 2) + (n − 3) + 1 = n(n − 2).
Dividing out, then, the known factors of the equation, the only unknown root remains determined as an algebraic function of the nth degree in λ.It is true, conversely, that if the coordinates can be expressed as rational functions of a parameter, the curve has the maximum number of double points, Curves of this sort are called unicursal curves. When we are given x, y, z respectively proportional to aλn + &c., a'λn + &c., a''λn + &c., the actual elimination of λ is easily performed dialytically. Writing down the three equations
θx = aλn + &c., θy = a'λn + &c., θz = a''λn + &c.,
and multiplying each successively by λ, λ2, … λn−1, we shall have 3n equations, exactly enough to eliminate linearly all the quantities θ, θλ, &c., λ, λ2, &c. The equation of the curve, then, appears in the form of a determinant of the order 3n, but only n rows will contain the variables; the curve therefore will be of the nth order, and its equation will involve the coefficients a, b, &c., in the 2nth degree. All this will be more clearly understood if we actually write down the result for the case n = 2. We have, then, the three equationsθx = aλ2 + bλ + c, θy = a'λ2 + b'λ + c', θz = a''λ2 + b''λ + c''.
Multiplying each by λ, and then eliminating linearly from the six equations the quantities θ, θλ, λ3, λ2, λ, the result appears as the determinant
| = 0 |