The real parameters are a, b, … i. If we multiply each parameter by the same non-zero real we get the same curve. That is the only freedom in the parameters.
For projections homogeneous coordinates are superior and our equation becomes:
ax3 + bx2y + cxy2 + dy3
+ ex2z + fxyz + gy2z
+ hxz2 + iyz2 + jz3 = 0.
This defines a 3D set and our original curve is found in the plane where z=1. The parameters are preserved.
We may perform linear transformations on the 3D space and the result produces all of the projective transformations on our spacial plane z=1.
We write the 3D transformation (x', y', z') = (x, y, z)A.
The 3 by 3 real non-singular matrix A completely defines the projective transformation and conversely except that for any non-zero real q, qA and A define the same projection.
We express A as
((Axx, Axy, Axz),
(Ayx, Ayy, Ayz),
(Azx, Azy, Azz)).
(x', y', z') =
((Axx x + Ayx y + Azx z), (Axy x + Ayy y + Azy z), (Axz x + Ayz y + Azz z)).