This code computes moments 0 and 1 of general polyhedra but the topology of the surface must be done manually. The routine boundary is merely a good check on the topology. We have thus another way of computing moments corresponding to c((1, u, v)) where 0 ≤ u, 0 ≤ v and u+v ≤ 1. The clipped cube still has 8 vertices and unchanged surface topology. Numbering the vertices conventionally the OCaml list cpm below enumerates the triangles that together bound the clipped cube. This provides the topological relations between the simplexes that bound the body.

With all of boundary logic and Matrix stuff

let cmp = [[0; 1; 2]; [3; 2; 1]; [4; 6; 5]; [7; 5; 6];
[1; 0; 4]; [1; 4; 5]; [0; 2; 6]; [0; 6; 4];
[2; 3; 6]; [6; 3; 7]; [7; 3; 1]; [7; 1; 5]];;
Observe that boundary cmp;; ⇒ int list list []. This is good evidence that we got the triangle list right. Array geo is the coordinates of the vertices of the clipped cube.
let geo = let u = 0.39 and v = 0.47 in
 [|[|0.; 0.; 0.|]; [|0.; 0.; 1.|]; [|0.; 1.; 0.|]; [|0.; 1.; 1.|];
  [|1.; 0.; 0.|]; [|1. -. v; 0.; 1.|];
  [|1. -. u; 1.; 0.|]; [|1. -. u -. v; 1.; 1.|]|];;

let ai = Array.init in
let mq f = let wtt = Array.of_list f in
  ai (List.length f) (fun j -> geo.(wtt.(j))) in
let rec fac n = if n=0 then 1. else (float n) *. (fac (n-1)) in
let n = (List.length (List.hd cmp)) in
let fn = fac n and (m0, m1) = let az = Array.make n 0. in
List.fold_left (fun (cm0, cm1) zn ->
  let matr = mq zn in
  let ax = (Array.fold_left Linear.vadd az matr)
  and det = Linear.determ matr in
        cm0 +. det, ai n (fun j -> det *. ax.(j) +. cm1.(j)))
    (0., az) cmp in
(m0 /. fn, (1. /. ((float (n+1)) *. fn)) m1);;

cube corners: (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1),
(1, 0, 0), (1-v, 0, 1), (1-u, 1, 0), (1-u-v, 1, 1)