The ‘Indefinite’ Sphere

I collect here mathematical fragments to probe the symmetries of ‘indefinite spheres’ which are not studied that I know of.

Consider an n dimensional vector space V over the reals, and a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form f over V, with signature (p, q). f also provides a metric, or pseudo metric δ on V: δ(x, y) = √f(x−y, x−y).

Consider the indefinite sphere S = {x | f(x, x) = 1}. S = ∅ if p=0. We assume p>0. (motivation) Consider too the (pseudo) embedding metric on S derived from δ. But what is the signature of that metric? There is a group of linear transformations on V, called the Indefinite orthogonal group, that leave f unchanged and thus map S onto S. This can be seen to leave the pseudo metric on S unchanged as well. This group is a Lie group with dimension n(n−1)/2 and S is an n−1 dimensional manifold. Thus S is uniformly intrinsically curved. When f is positive definite (signature (n, 0)) the group is the Orthogonal group O(n, ℝ) and S is the ordinary sphere Sn−1.

The topology of S depends on p and q. S is empty for p=0. S is disconnected with two components for p=1. otherwise p−1-connected but not p-connected.

Here is an equivalence relation between symmetric bilinear forms: f is equivalent to f' iff for some invertible linear transformation A on V, for all x and y f'(x, y) = f(Ax, Ay).

Sylvester showed how to choose n vectors ei in V so that for some integers I, J and K:

f determines I, J and K and (I, J and K determine f to within a linear transformation on V). There are (n+1)(n+2)/2 equivalence classes of quadratic forms. S = ∅ just if I=0; That leaves n2/2 + (3/2)n + 1 − (n+1) = n(n+1)/2 classes of pshpers.
For any basis {ei} for V there exist n2 g’s reals {fij} such that
f(Σiαiei, Σiβiei) = Σijαiβjfij
For a fixed basis f determines the g’s and conversely.
f is symmetric ≜ f(x, y) = f(y, x) ↔︎ gij = gji.

Henceforth we assume that J=0 which corresponds to a non-degenerate f.

Sylvester showed how to find a basis {ei} for V where the equation for f is:
f(x, y) = Σ[0≤i<I]xiyi − Σ[I≤i<n]xiyi.
The equation for S in V is thus f(x, x) = 1 or
Σ[0≤i<I]xi2 − Σ[I≤i<n]xi2 = 1.

For j<I it is convenient to compute the curvature tensor on S at the point Z where ej = 1 and ej = 0 for j≠i. At Z, S is tangent to the hyper plane thru V defined by ej = 1.

except that when I = 0; those equivalence
To be said: For signature (n, 0) we have the sphere and it is n-connected. For signature (p, q) S is p-connected.
Associated with the form f there is the Indefinite orthogonal group of linear transformations on V that preserve f: if A is in that group then f(x, y) = f(Ax, Ay).