F'μν = AμαAνβ Fαβ which we program thus; we collect terms for this particular boost we have:
F' = 2
The skew symmetry of F entails that of F'.

The above is the general transformation of a skew symmetric contravariant tensor for a rapidity of θ along the x axis where C = cosh(θ) and S = sinh(θ).

Applying this to the electromagnetic tensor gives us:
E'x = Ex
E'y = CEy + SBz
E'z = CEz − SBy
B'x = Bx
B'y = CBy − SEz
B'z = CBz + SEy

This must be used in the context of
t' = Ct + Sx
x' = Cx + St
y' = y
z' = z

It would be good to see that a solution of Maxwell’s equations hereby transforms into another solution!