module Glue = (struct exception Repeated_Vertex exception Logic_error let pe vl = match let rec mpa l th = match l with [] -> [], [] | (a, b)::c -> if th >= b then raise Repeated_Vertex; match mpa c b with sl, l -> (b::sl, (ref false, a)::l) in mpa (sort (fun (_, b) (_, d) -> b < d) (let rec numr l n = match l with [] -> [] | a::b -> (n, a)::(numr b (n + 1)) in numr vl 0)) (-1) with svl, spl -> let ar = Array.of_list spl in let rec dp i p = if i < 0 then p else let next = dp (i-1) in match ar.(i) with a, n -> if !a then next (not p) else let rec lop v = match ar.(v) with w, x -> if !w then raise Logic_error; w := true; if v = i then () else lop x in lop n; next p in dp (Array.length ar - 1) false, svl let sl nz l = let (intNba, iZCa) = nz l in let rec sli l = match l with [] -> [] | h::t -> (fun q -> h::q) (sli t) and app sll k = match sll with [] -> [] | h::t -> (h, (intNba k, iZCa k))::(app t (k+1)) in app (sli l) 0 let rc (nz, zl) = List.fold_left (fun acc (o, vl) -> (* Do all facets of this zone with facet list fac. *) (* Yield a pair of face lists assorted by parity. *) match (List.fold_left (fun (od, (even, odd)) face -> (not od, if o then (odd, face::even) else (face::odd, even))) (false, acc) (sl nz vl)) with (o, (l, r)) -> if o then (r, l) else (l, r)) ([], []) ( pe zl) let cmp (c, _) (d, _) = compare c d let b1 q = match (rc q) with a, b -> let ob = List.sort cmp in (ob a, ob b) let rec elim q tl = match q with | a, [] -> a, [] | [], b -> [], b | (a::b as rev), (c::d as obv) -> let w = cmp a c in if w < 0 then match elim (b, obv) tl with p, q -> a::p, q else if w > 0 then match elim (rev, d) tl with p, q -> p, c::q else (match (a, c) with (vl, (intNba, iZCa)), (_, (intNbb, iZCb)) -> (try let (tapl, tapr) = List.assoc vl tl in intNba (tapl iZCb); intNbb (tapr iZCa); with Not_found -> intNba iZCb; intNbb iZCa); elim (b, d) tl) let morphgen nz x tl = match (elim (b1 (nz, x)) tl) with (p, q) -> List.append ( (fun (x, y) -> x, (false, y)) p) ( (fun (x, y) -> x, (true, y)) q) type 'a tap2 = (('a -> 'a) * ('a -> 'a)) end : sig type 'a tap2 = (('a -> 'a) * ('a -> 'a)) val morphgen : (int list -> (int -> 'a -> 'b) * (int -> 'a)) -> int list list -> (int list * 'a tap2) list -> (int list * (bool * (('a -> 'b) * 'a))) list end);;