There is a Rubic like puzzle shaped like a dodecahedron.
Each of the 12 macro faces may be rotated to any of five positions.
There are three sorts of solid parts externally evident:
- 12 pentagonal faces at the center of each macro face:
These sorts of pieces turn but do not otherwise move relative to each other.
- 20 ‘corners’, one at each vertex of the dodecahedron.
One rotation of a macro face cyclicly permutes these corners.
Each corner shows three colors presumably to match its adjacent center face.
- 30 ‘edges’, one on each of the edges of the dodecahedron.
These too are permuted cyclically upon rotation of a macro face.
Each edge piece shows two colors each to match the center fact to which if shares a line.
Rotation of a macro face rotates the center (to no effect unless you have marked it), 5 corners and 5 edges.