We use here a coordinate system with the constant covariant metric:
1 | −½ | −½ |
−½ | 1 | −½ |
−½ | −½ | 1 |
In this system the following are unit vectors ±(1, 0, 0), ±(0, 1, 0), ±(0, 0, 1), ±(0, 1, 1), ±(1, 0, 1), ±(1, 1, 0). Just now I see that the length of (1, 1, 1) is 0 (recall that Length2 = gijxixj) and that distresses me. Indeed this shows that the eigenvalues of g are 0, 3/2 and 3/2.
The point which is at (1, 1, 1) in oblique coordinates is at (c, c, c) in plain coordinates where c = a + 2b = 0. Oops. The puzzle pieces are not shaped as I thought!
This is obvious in retrospect. I required that the basis vectors for our oblique system be 120° from each other. In 3D three such vectors must lie in the same plane and thus cannot span the space.