The equation is ∂ψ/∂t = i∂2ψ/∂x2.
The explicit numerical equation is
ψn+1j − ψnj = Δt/Δx2(2 ψnj
− (ψnj+1 + ψnj−1))
Where n is the time step and j is the zone number.
The calculation is explicit and the concomitant numerical instability causes a growing square integral. Relative stability requires Δt < Δx2. High spatial frequency noise dominates which manifests as an unreal high energy. I plan to try an implicit numerical method.
Constants to play with:
This follows almost exactly the implicit heat equation elaborated here. One wrinkle is that our topology is circular where the heat solution is for an insulated rod. The other wrinkle, of course, is that ϕ is real but ψ is complex. The only mathematical properties of the reals we need for the implicit calculation is that they be a field. The complex numbers are a field.
By elementary zone-wise algebra we can compute for each j, complex Aj, Bj and Cj such that
= Aj
+ Bjψn+1j+1
+ Cjψn+1j−1
This gives us just enough equations to solve for the ψn+1’s.
As time goes by the shape of ψ becomes that of a twisted phone cord where the left end is twisted in one direction and the right end in the other direction.
(We imagine plotting ψ in x and the two complex dimensions.)
This depicts the left part moving to the left, and the right part moving to the right.
Thus if we were to catch the particle in the leftwards region, it would likely be moving to the left.
As time goes by the shape of ψ becomes that of a twisted phone cord where the left end is twisted in one direction and the right end in the other direction. (We imagine plotting ψ in x and the two complex dimensions.) This depicts the left part moving to the left, and the right part moving to the right. Thus if we were to catch the particle in the leftwards region, it would likely be moving to the left.
This solution is easily extended to a 3D spherically symmetric function:
ψ = (2/π)3/2 pe−(pr)2.
This closed form seems useless for the relativistic case. See Relativistic diffusion processes and random walk models for problems finding a relativistic replacement for e−x2.