I take as a definition of a lemniscate the set of points the product of whose distances from (−1, 0) and from (1, 0) is 1.
Squaring both sides gives us
((x+1)2+y2)((x−1)2+y2) = 1
(x2 + 2x + 1 +y2)(x2 − 2x + 1 +y2) = 1
x4 − 2x2 + y4 + 2 x2y2 + 2y2 = 0.
This cure passes thru (√2, 0) and we scale this cure down by a factor of √2 so that it goes thru (1, 0) to match the ‘unit’ lemniscate.
x4 − x2 + y4 + 2x2y2 + y2 = 0.
x+y and x−y are a fine pair of orthogonal coordinates wherein this equation is
(x+y)2 = −(x−y), a manifest parabola with vertex at 0 and axis thru (x, y) = (1, −1).
(x, y) points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, −1) are on the parabola.
(x2, y2) is on the parabola just in case (x, y) is on the lemniscate! The map (x, y) ↔ (x2, y2) of the plane to the plane is not generally interesting geometrically. This is a special hack.
If r is a real rational then 2/(1+ir) − 1 is a point on the complex plane with rational coefficients.
It is on the unit circle and this formula produces a dense set of (sin t, cos t) pairs on the circle with rational coefficients.
Wolfram gives a parametric form for the lemniscate as:
x = (cos t)/(1 + sin2 t)
y = (cos t)(sin t)/(1 + sin2 t)
and we have rational parametric equations for the lemniscate.
(define i (sqrt -1)) (define (c r) (- (/ 2 (+ 1 (* i r))) 1)) (define (cs r) (let ((y (c r))) (cons (real-part y) (imag-part y)))) (define (w q)(let* ((p (cs q))(sin (cdr p))(cos (car p))(d (/ (+ 1 (* sin sin))))) (cons (* cos d) (* cos sin d)))) (define (P x y) (let ((x2 (* x x))(y2 (* y y)))(+ (* x2 x2)(* y2 y2)(* 2 x2 y2) y2 (- x2)))) (define (t r) (let ((p (w r))) (P (car p)(cdr p))))For rational r, (c r) is a rational point on the unit circle and (w r) produces a point on the lemniscate with rational coordinates. Indeed (t r) evaluates the defining polynomial at that point. (t r) produces exactly 0 for a dozen random rational numbers that I tried.
Here are some rational points on the lemniscate:
r | (cs r) | (w r) | (t r) |
0 | (1 . 0) | (1 . 0) | 0 |
1 | (0 . 1) | (0 . 0) | 0 |
−1 | (0 . −1) | (0 . 0) | 0 |
2 | (−3/5 . −4/5) | (−15/41 . 12/41) | 0 |
−2 | (−3/5 . 4/5) | (−15/41 . −12/41) | 0 |
½ | (3/5 . 4/5) | (15/41 . 12/41) | 0 |
3 | (−4/5 . −3/5) | (−10/17 . 6/17) | 0 |
⅓ | (4/5 . 3/5) | (10/17 . 6/17) | 0 |
⅔ | (5/13 . 12/13) | (65/313 . 60/313) | 0 |
3/5 | (8/17 . 15/17) | (68/257 . 60/257) | 0 |
Our curve is closed for some value of T near 3.307. Is this a Lemniscate?
We take p = (x, y) to be the vector position on the curve as a function of t or λ, the arc length. The curvature is |d2p/dλ2| = (d2p/dt2)×(dp/dt)/(dλ/dt)3. (dλ/dt)2 = (dx/dt)2 + (dy/dt)2.
Back substituting: (x−y)/2 for x and (x+y)/2 for y:
(x−y)2/4 + (x+y)/2 = 0
(x−y)2 + 2(x+y) = 0.