I mention a few things that I think are Mac specific:
- “-Wmost” invokes what Apple and I think are a more useful set of warnings.
“-Wall” is the standard form.
- “-fnested-functions” is because Apple thinks that nested functions are evil.
I think that you can merely omit the option in Linux.
- You will probably need to add “ -pthread” and “ -lm” to the end of the command beginning “gcc man.c”.
On either system I assume that there is no CLASSPATH environmental value.
The shell command “echo $CLASSPATH” should yield only a blank line.
If this is inconvenient then changing “java ” to “java -cp . ” in the shell commands should make the demos work.
The following seems to work on one Linux box (don’t forget h.h):
javac cim.java
gcc fft.c -O3 -c -Wall
gcc ft.c -O3 -Wall -c
gcc man.c fft.o ft.o -O3 -o trans -Wall -lm -pthread
java j2b th.jpg out.bma
./trans nop out.bma outt.bma 8
java b2j outt.bma outt.jpg
I have no idea how to see the pixels in outt.jpg on Linux.
Presumably any browser will display the file.
I would be glad to hear of and report other difficulties here.