# Excellent evidence that Gauß was right # MODE L = LONG LONG REAL; PROC (L)L rt = long long sqrt; L r17 = rt(17); L rx = rt(34 - 2*r17); L cos = (-1 + r17 + rx + 2*rt(17 + 3*r17 - rx - 2*rt(34 + 2*r17)))/16; PROC p = (STRING s, L x)VOID: print((x, " ", s, newline)); p("r17", r17); p("cos(2π/17)", cos); # cos is the cosine of 2π/17. # L sin = rt(1 - cos*cos); p("sin", sin); MODE LC = LONG LONG COMPL; LC an = (cos, sin); LC an2 = an*an, an4 = an2*an2, an8 = an4*an4, an17 = an8*an8*an; print((an17, " an17", newline)) # +4.12310562561766054982140985597407702514719922537362043439863357e +0 r17 +9.32472229404355804573115891821563386262587777945116928248350012e -1 cos(2π/17) +3.61241666187152948744714596183700163724501384066052541465614556e -1 sin +1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e +0 -2.51610347408693624432000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e -64 an17 #