2017 Mar

I use U-verse from AT&T. They supply a “modem” to connect between the phone line and my stuff. Their modem includes a web server with some useful pages. My idea is to accumulate notes here with red links with URLs that access some of the pages accessible from a browser on a machine connected via said modem. I provide a bit more conceptual glue. Too you can search this page whereas there is no way to search the site in the modem,

On this page I learn that the Manufacturer was “Pace Plc” and is running software version “”. I am pretty sure that when the modem first arrived several years ago it was not IPV6 cognizant. It is now. This recounts several upgrades.

The shell command “dig homeportal” gives IP address as declared by said homeportal. The modem performs NAT: Network Address Translation and that IP address is local to my net. I use “homeportal” for URLs in this page. They are all red. If you use U-verse and click on some URLs in this page you will get the page for your modem, not mine. Site Map is sometimes useful.

Who is Using my WiFi?

WiFi passwords are to protect local nets and some local nets place special trust on other nodes in that net. I have no special trust relationships and so I require no WiFi password. I leave the Firewall settings as AT&T delivered the modem except I think I poked a hole once for some reason.

When a computer, tablet or smart phone comes into range and reaches out to find a WiFi connection, and selects yours, it acquires a local IP address thru the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The AT&T modem supplies the DHCP agent and provides renewable ‘leases’ for 24 hours. Here, under the title “Devices”, is the list of devices with their MAC addresses which have nothing to do with Apple. On this page you can individually do some things to these devices. Just now I see two devices whose names I don’t recognize; I suspect they are nearby smart phones.

Under title “Connection Statistics” on this page you find total traffic for a device during its current DHCP lease. Devices are identified by their MAC addresses introduced above.

This page shows the memory necessary for NAT to work. There you see the smoke and mirrors that allow the outside world to see your network with several computers as a single computer with a single IP address. The IP address to the right of “l: ” is the local address of one of your computers that has a TCP connection. The address to the right of “f: ” shows the external IP address of the communicant.

Under title “Network” on this page you can endow your WiFi service with a name which people will see as they select among WiFi signals. It shows you what WiFi channel it selected as it came up. Under title “Security” it lets you set up one of several sorts of WiFi password.

Biggest Hammar Resets Galore. Note warnings. Personally I have found the power supply interruption sufficient for my needs.

There is much more.