iOS Security; iOS 9.0 or later

Comments on this paper (Sept 2015 version)

This is a high level but not content free document. A key noun phrase is “an attacker in possession of a device”. While important, that is not what my pages are normally about. Here are a few comments as I read. The descriptions leading up to this do not explain how iOS is limited to Apple devices, except perhaps thru obscurity. Perhaps the code is encrypted by a key known by devices from Apple. Indeed this seems clear from comments on GID on page 10. I presume that the signed code is loaded from unprotected device storage, or alternately from “Itunes”. That seems to serve the ‘valid device’ goal. This is obscure. How does the device learn of a “part of the installation bundle to be installed” so that it can send a “cryptographic measurement” thereof? Asked otherwise why is said “part of the installation” not already signed and ready to go? Perhaps some combinations are not considered valid and the “installation authorization server” performs some sort of compatibility check. Perhaps combinations once thought secure are discovered to be insecure. This service would constitute a sort of “certificate revocation list”. Two subsequent paragraphs explain how this may prevent reversion to an earlier kernel with known vulnerabilities. This makes it much harder to steal private or session keys. It may effectively solve the covert key leak problem. It does not do much to prevent the plain text end of a cipher service outide the secure enclave from being taken over and abused. How does it decide how to respond to a message “now sign this: … .”? I wonder how well they guard against replay from a compromised ‘device memory’? How does the Secure Enclave ensure that the data resulting from a fetch is what was most recently stored there, as contrasted to earlier content at the same location? This is not the paper to answer such questions. The next paragraph mentions an ‘anti-replay counter’ (for files) which is the sort of protection that is probably too expensive for the interface between DRAM and cache. That is a scary amount of software to be running in the Secure Enclave; perhaps they use L4 to contain it. Apple elides the important issue of whether this ‘expansion’ makes admission harder or easier. Indeed what are the failure modes? This is a general problem with fingerprints; they are not well evaluated. It smells of security theater. The listed situations requiring a passcode ameliorate this. This is obscure. Let me guess what it means. When you ‘unlock’ your device, it ‘derives’ from your passcode a symmetric key with which it can read and write your non-volatile data. When the ‘device locks’ that key is expunged from the device. The phrase “Data Protection class Complete,” is defined on page 12 under “Data Protection classes”.

Page 8:

Of what use is a key that is shared so widely? Perhaps they mean “Apple devices” by “devices”. Can the app discriminate among the enrollees?

Page 12:

I presume that ‘80 milliseconds’ refers to the CPU time for the iPhone to try a guessed passcode. Custom hardware might be faster. I await a description of ‘accessible to whom?”.

Page 13: I take it that when the ‘per-file’ key (is available somewhere in plaintext), depends only on the ‘Data Protection Class’ of that file and not more frequent application decisions. The app defines the class upon creation.

Arghh: too narrow and too broad! Bad like ‘same origin policy’!

Page 19:

This represents the view that good people don’t write bad code and that we know good people when we see them. Keykos does require trusting code but typically a small identifiable set, I suppose that that means that Apple’s apps run with infinite ‘app privilege’.

Page 20:

If maliciously crafted packets from outside can defeat

Page 25

I am glad of that. I am not glad that Apple reserves to itself such decisions, excluding the user. Nor am I aware of whether there is a way for the user to learn of entitlements.

It is curious that a document titled “iOS Security Guide” omits “entitlement” from its glossary.

Google “Secure Enclave coprocessor”, “CTR_DRBG”, “AES-XTS”, “RFC 3394”.
Issue: frequently written non-volatile storage. Perhaps “Effaceable Storage”?

Another threat: “Is this really my iPhone that wants me to enter my passcode?”.

Here is some “Effaceable Storage” detail.
Perhaps effaceable storage need not be often written and circumvention of ordinary “wear leveling” suffices. You can brick your iPhone only a limited number of times; we already new that. It does not serve for replay attacks on encrypted RAM.


I find this a peculiar perspective. If the ordinary storage of the app is vulnerable, then the behavior of the app is similarly vulnerable. This may not be an axiom but I can’t think of any exceptions. If the app behavior is at risk, but the app is still able to wield the authority preserved by the keychain, then how is that authority not vulnerable. The only answer that I see is that a secret key could not be used to decipher text except when the phone is on. A private RSA key could not be used to sign nor to decipher a message when the phone is off. This is an obscure advantage. It is a violation of abstraction and may thus introduce more problems than it solves. “… the securityd daemon determines which keychain items each process or app can access.” That is a bit vague.


Thank you Apple for not calling them capabilities (as in POSIX). While similar, there are vital differences. I think that this is how the developer tells Apple what authority the app expects to use while running. I suppose that the ‘install package’, signed by Apple, indicates such authority to be granted as the app runs.

In the middle of a section titled “Runtime Process Security” I see:

There is an implicit assumption here that entitlements never change: that any formal analysis assumes some fixed set of entitlements. This is one big difference from capability structures as suggested in Lampson’s paper “Dynamic Protection Structures”. Another difference is that entitlements are protected by crypto rather that some small simple software function. Entitlements defer to software too to interpret the crypto. Entitlement pays the crypto cost unless the results are remembered by privileged software consulting privileged memory. I suspect that this is the case. Dynamic protection (capabilities) allow security patterns that far transcend what is possible with static protection. See the literature. Systems such as entitlements exclude from any formal analysis the real mechanisms whereby entitlements are created. Capabilities specifically include the creation of capabilities in formal analysis.

Entitlement seems to require judgement by Apple about the code, but ultimately about the character of the author. Capability solutions do require trust of some code, but vastly less. Signing code may play a role for code on whose discretion you must depend and whose author you know something of.