Pixel Quest
I want pixel logic wherein I can write “plot(3, 5)” is some suitable language and see a point in a window on my screen a new small black point, a pixel, at the point whose coördinates Descartes would give as 3, 5.
I want this for two reasons:
- The concept of a pixel buffer and a display screen is the modern foundation for a simple UI.
It is devoid of ‘IP stacks’ and so many other complex modern software constructs that get between the secure program and its user.
The modern ‘trusted path’ between the user and the app is too complex.
- My grandson’s, (who has shown little interest in programming) eyes lit up when I promised to show him how programs made pictures.
He has been pestering me.
I have a Mac and my first attempts were to consult the official specifications for writing Mac programs.
After many hours I feel further from my goal than when I began.
Apple works hard (for plausible reasons) to keep me away from pixels.
About 10 years ago I managed to cheat Apple’s abstractions and reach the real pixel buffer with my 68000K assembler program.
I miss my app but it is two ISA generations obsolete.
I approve of strong abstractions.
Apple’s abstractions are strong enough to keep me from the pixels, at least so far.
I ran into Gabriel Laddel who had his computer with him.
I told him of my quest and in remarkably short order he demonstrated almost exactly what I wanted with his project described here.
I have not tried to run that on my Mac but I plan to.