These are notes that I write while or shortly after I read some interesting book. (A few online essays too)
Categories: (br) brain & mind, (ph) Physics
Acemoğlu & Robinson Why Nations Fail
Douglas Allen’s Institutional Evolution
Sunny Auyang’s How is Quantum Field Theory Possible?
Andrej Bauer’s (et al) The HoTT Book
William Bernstein’s A Splendid Exchange
William Bernstein’s Masters of the Word
Susan Blackmore’s The Meme Machine (br)
Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence (br)
Fred Brooks’ Design of Design
Calomiris & Haber: Fragile by Design
Andy Clark’s Whatever Next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science (br)
Ronald Coase & Ning Wang’s How China Became Capitalist
Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion
Tyler Cowen’s Create Your Own Economy
Diane Coyle’s The Soulful Science
Gary Cziko’s Without Miracles (br)
Damasio’s Self Comes to Mind: (br)
Richard Dawkins’ The Ancestor’s Tale
Terrence Deacon’s The Symbolic Species