Agorics, Inc.

Agorics' Tech Library


In the field of eBusiness, more so than in any other field, the line between economics and technology is blurred. An in-depth understanding of the scientific foundations of both fields is of paramount importance if one is to create a viable electronic marketplace.

Here are technical papers by Agorics' employees covering a wide range of topics pertinent to this field. Some of these documents are in .pdf format and will require Adobe Acrobat.

The Agorics, Inc., white paper on "Requirements for Secure Enterprise Email". (PDF)

Patents -- These patents, authored by Agorics employees, are fundamental to the implementation of secure ebusiness applications and secure Web servers.

GuardOS™ White Paper-- A short overview of GuardOS™ Secure OS, Agorics' capability-based operating system.

KeyKOS Documentation -- These papers describe the design and implementation of the KeyKOS System. Agorics licenses this technology as part of our GuardOS™ product line.

Java Coding Standards -- This document describes the formatting standards used for Java code development at Agorics.

Auctions -- An overview of auction types and bidding theory.

The Agoric Papers -- a seminal work in the field of agoric computing, written by Mark S. Miller, one of Agorics' founders, and K. Eric Drexler.

The Digital Silk Road -- a draft of a proposal for including low cost payment transactions right into the communications protocol.

Joule -- the Joule language embodies a new computational model for building distributed systems.

Other Recommended Links.

Last updated: 8 March 2002