I (Landau) am working on this section on the Mac.

The tape formats supported by Gnosis will be limited. Fixed length records up to 4096 bytes in length and fixed blocked records up to 32768 byte blocks will be supported. Undefined records will be supported up to 4096 bytes in length. Variable and variable blocked records are supported for record lengths to 4096 and block lengths to 32768.

There exists a capability to a reel of tape (a set of reels for multivolume files). This capability is obtained from a librarian capability and may be called upon to change the default format of the tape, mount and dismount the tape, and to generate rescindable copies of the key. When a tape is mounted, there is a tape access key that can be called to open and close files on the tape and to read and write unblocked data to the tape.

A tape capability may be returned to the librarian for reallocation. There are techniques to claim a tape that has been imported from another system and to export a tape to another system. These latter two procedures involve a trusted human operator.

Librarian Function

{arcane}Librarian manager

Tape Database

Tape Key

Tape Access key

Tape Drive Allocation Operator level

Tape Drive Allocation Device level

Design Notes