A factory creator has a key called its factory-brander.
Some factory creator keys convey rights to recall builder's
Some factory creator keys convey rights to recall fetcher
A key with recall-builder's rights has recall-fetcher
{The difference between factory creators is which factory
builder's keys they will operate upon to retrieve other
factory keys. Each factory creator will operate only on
its own yield.}
{"Create a factory"} FC(i+j,((4,hcl));PSB,FDC,SB ==> c;BK)
c=0 and BK is a builders key to a new factory,
Its .components are all DK(0) except component three
which is a copy key to the new factory. Its requestor-type
is X'FF1E'. Its starting address and ordinal are 0. It
is nascent. BK has no holes.
i=0 and BK's hole capacity of hcl or i=2 and BK's hole capacity
is hcl ....
j=0 and BK has a new domain creator (its own) or j=1 and
BK's domain creator is that of FDC (which must be a builder,
fetcher or copy key to some factory).
or c=1 and PSB was not a valid prompt bank,
or c=2 and PSB was insufficient,
or c=3 and SB isn't a bank,
or c=4 and hcl is greater than 500000.
{Disable Recalls}FC(4:=>c;FCW):
FCW is like FC with no recall rights.
{Disable Builder Recalls}FC(5:=>c;FCW):
FCW is like FC with no recall-builder's rights.
{Recall Fetcher Key}FC(6;RK=>c;FK):
If RK is a key to a factory F (typically requestor's
key) and FC has recall-builder's rights, and F's factory-brand
is FC's factory-brander then FK is the fetcher key to F
and c=0 if RK is the requestor's key, c=1 if RK is the builder's
key, c=2 if RK is the factory copy key or c=3 if RK is the
fetcher key to F.
If FC lacks Recall-Fetcher-key rights then c=kt+2 and FK
= DK(0). If RK is not a key to a factory with FC's factory-brander
then c=-1 and BK = DK(0).
{Recall Builder's Key}FC(7;FK=>c;BK):
If FK is a key to a factory F (typically requestor's
key) and FC has recall-builder's rights, and F's factory-brand
is FC's factory-brander then BK is the builder's key to
F and c=0 if FK is the requestor's key, c=1 if FK is the
builder's key, c=2 if FK is the factory copy key or c=3
if FK is the fetcher key to F.
If FC lacks Recall-Builder's-key rights then c=kt+2 and BK
= DK(0). If FK is not a key to a factory with FC's factory-brander
then c=-1 and BK = DK(0).
{Delete Factory Creator}FC(kt+4;=>c;) Deletes factory
creator. Recall builder's rights required.
See (sfc) about the standard factory creator
key with recall builder's rights.