A factory creator has a key called its factory-brander.

Some factory creator keys convey rights to recall builder's keys.

Some factory creator keys convey rights to recall fetcher keys.

{The difference between factory creators is which factory builder's keys they will operate upon to retrieve other factory keys. Each factory creator will operate only on its own yield.}

{"Create a factory"} FC(i+j,((4,hcl));PSB,FDC,SB ==> c;BK)

{Disable Recalls}FC(4:=>c;FCW):

{Disable Builder Recalls}FC(5:=>c;FCW):

{Recall Fetcher Key}FC(6;RK=>c;FK):

{Recall Builder's Key}FC(7;FK=>c;BK):

{Delete Factory Creator}FC(kt+4;=>c;) Deletes factory creator. Recall builder's rights required.

See (sfc) about the standard factory creator key with recall builder's rights.
