One of the usernames that the receptionist (p2,receptionist) knows about very early in a big bang is "SYSTOOL" (note upper case). This username leads to some keys which are powerful enough to do low level system debugging. See (admin).
Logging in to systool leads to a switcher {(p2,switcher)}.
Slot 4 (SYSNODE): a node key to a node known as "SYSNODE", which has:
Slots 10 and 11 have bnode keys for SNODE and SK1. Slot 14 of a bnode holds the builders key.
Slot 1: The LUD {(lud)}. {a key to the record collection {(rc)} of usernames used by the receptionist and the keys to invoke for them. (The "Local User Directory".)}
Slot 3: An entry key to the kernel dump collector {(p2,cdump)}. See {(p3,cdump-today)} for how to look at dumps.
Slot 4: A CKERN key that copies the kernel to the primary IPL range {(p2,ckern)}.
Slot 5: TAPESYSNODE key only in No-Disk versions
Slot 6: The KIDC key (p2,kidc).
Slot 7: The Weakener (p2,weakener)
Slot 8: The TLA factory (p2,tlafact)
Slot 9: keysafe directory (keys to give to users)
Slot 10: an ADDLUDKY (p2,addlud) for the default LUD built by WOMBKEEPer..
Slot 11: A CKERN key that copies the kernel to the secondary IPL range {(p2,ckern)}.
Slot 12: an entry key to the dial-up lines receptionist, suitable for use as a type 2 LUD entry.
Slot 13: The kernel diagnosis key {(p2,kdiag)}
Slot 14: DOMERRORLOG for use by CKPTDVR (p3,derrorlog)
Slot 15: Extension for password encryptor
Slot 1: a domain key to DCCDOM.
Slot 2: a domain key to DCCDCDOM.
Slot 3: a domain key to SBTDOM.
Slot 4: a domain key to SBTDCDOM.
Slot 5: A domain key to the womb keeper.
Slot 1: A read-only page key to the primordial womb directory {(p3,primdir)}.
Slot 2: The kernel error wait key {(p2,kerrorwait)}.
Slot 3: BOOTSEG a segment key to a bootstrap command file
Slot 4: DEVALOC {(devaloc)}
Slot 5: RECEPF (p2,recepf)
Slot 6: VDKRC a record collection of Domain keys of primordial domains that have trapped.
Slot 7: the User.Sys. Directory as built by WOMBKEEPER
Slot 8 The Kernel IO measurement key.
Slot 9 a segment with a command file to format disks using GNFORM.
Slot 10: BWAIT(1)
Slot 11: CDAPEEK
Slot 12: KIWAIT
Slot 13: KERRORLOG key.
Slot 14: CONFIGF factory for early debugging
Slot 15: A node key to a node, SYSNODEX1 holding slots:
Slot 1: The kernel key to CP's IUCV function
Slot 2: The DIAGNOSE 4C key {(diag4c)}.
Slot 8: A node key to the prime meter.
Slot 9: A node key to another privileged node, containing:
Slot 13: A key to the standard factory creator WITH recall builder's rights
Slot 14: A key to a node holding keys to the banks held by objects created by WOMBKEEP. The WOMBKEEP listing is currently the definition of which of these banks are held by whom.
Slot 11: The charge set tool key {(p2,cst)}.
Slot 12: A read-only segment key to the PL/I library.
Slot 13: A node key to a node {built by SYSTOOL} with:
Slot 5: A spacebank limited to 50% of the space from INPUTSB
Slot 6: A spacebank limited to 90% of the space from INPUTSB
Slot 7: Shared mail directory with restricted rights
Slot 9: Record collection of usernodes for installed users
Slot 10: Shared mail directory
Slot 11: Write key to SYS.
Slot 14: Dump Directory
Slot 15: Domain key to domain under Peek DDT
Slot 15: The Journalizer node which contains:
Slot 1: The Checkpoint key {(p2,checkpoint)}.
Slot 2: The Journalize Page key (journalize-page)
CDUMP(0;->c;DD) will collect a Kernel dump if it has not yet been collected. c will be zero and DD will be an entry key to the record collection that holds the system dumps (the DUMP Directory). The name for each entry is generated from the date and time the dump was taken. The names are arranged in the record collection in order of time. If there are any obsolete temporary dumps they will be deleted and their names removed from the dump directory.
CDUMP(1;->c;DD) will collect a Kernel dump using a faster technique. Since the dump segment is a mapping of the dump range itself, subsequent dumps will destroy the dump. Dumps collected by this technique are call temporary dumps. Upon completion any previous temporary dumps will be deleted and their directory entries removed, c will be zero and DD will be an entry key to the record collection that holds the system dumps (the Dump Directory). The name for each entry is generated from the date and time the dump was taken with the string "#TEMP" appended. The names are arranged in the record collection in order of time.
Each entry in the Dump Directory has a key which obeys the following order codes:
DUMP(1 ==> 0;K) returns in K a read only page key to the dump header, see {(kernel-logic,d-header)}.
DUMP(2 ==> 0;K) returns in K a key to the Space Bank used to create all the space for this copy of the dump.
DUMP(kt ==> 4;)
DUMP(kt+4 ==> ) destroys the dump.
CKERN(0;SEG->0) will copy the image of the kernel in segment SEG to the IPL range. The first byte of the kernel is at location X'1000' in the segment and is expected to be KERNDEF, which holds the address of the last byte of the kernel in its first word.
CKERN(1; => 0;) IPL's the kernel in this range.
CKERN(kt==>X'40F0D'). See (ck) about access to CKERN.
CKERNC(0;PSB,M,SB,PRANGE => 0;CKERN) creates a CKERN key for the IPL range identified by the PRANGE key. This call uses the extended jump protocol.
CKERNC(kt==> X'60F0D')
The key of such a record is a node key to a node with the following layout:
SLOT 1: The guard to the user's space bank
SLOT 2: A node key to the user's meter
SLOT 3: A domain key to the user's command interpreter.