This module takes either SIK5, SOK5,
and CCK5 or SIK6, SOK6, and CCK6 and provides SIK7, SOK7,
ATK7, and CCK7 which are the same except that the input
stream is continously monitored for a single "attention"
character. If this character is found, it will be removed
from the stream seen by SIK7 and passed to the attention
stream (ATS7) key.
SIK7 will not break up into more than one packet a packet
from SIK5 or SIK6 if it has 256 or fewer bytes.
This key has the functions of CCK5 or CCK6 except for
the following. If this key was built from CCK6 then any
string passed will be assumed to be EBCDIC. If built from
CCK5 they are assumed to be ASCII.
CCK7(4;==>0;SIKx,SOKx,CCKx) "Destroy TAMM"
Destroys the Terminal Attention Monitor Module. If CCK7
was built from CCK6 then "x" is 6 If CCK7 was built from
CCK5 then "x" is 5.
If SIK7 and SOK7 are both available, i.e. SIK7 is in the
consuming state and SOK7 is in the producing state, then
SIKx and SOKx are available and will be returned by this
Loose end: Is the attention character a variable? Can
this function be turned on and off? If it is not variable,
what character is it?