
10.3.6. Binary transput
{In binary transput, the values obtained by straightening the elements of a data list (cf. 10.3.3 ) are transput, via the specified file, one after the other. The manner in which such a value is stored in the book is defined only to the extent that a value of mode M (being some mode from which that specified by SIMPLOUT is united) output at a given position may subsequently be re-input from that same position to a name of mode 'reference to M'. Note that, during input to the name referring to a multiple value, the number of elements read will be the existing number of elements referred to by that name.

The current position is advanced after each value by a suitable amount and, at the end of each line or page, the appropriate event routine is called, and next, if this returns false, the next good character position of the book is found (cf. 10.3.3 ).

For binary output, put bin { } and write bin {10.5.1.h } may be used and, for binary input, get bin { } and read bin {10.5.1.i }.}

a) PROC {?} to bin = (REF FILE f, SIMPLOUT x) [ ] CHAR : © a value of mode 'row of character' whose lower bound is one and whose upper bound depends on the value of 'book OF f' and on the mode and the value of 'x'; furthermore, x = from bin (f, x, to bin (f, x)) ©;

b) PROC {?}from bin = (REF FILE f, SIMPLOUT y. [ ] CHAR c)SIMPLOUT: © a value, if one exists, of the mode of the value yielded by 'y', such that c = to bin(f, from bin(f, y, c)) ©; Binary output
a) PROC put bin = (REF FILE f, [ ] OUTTYPE ot) VOID: IF opened OF f THEN set bin mood (f); set write mood (f); FOR k TO UPB ot DO [ ] SIMPLOUT y = STRAIGHTOUT ot [k]; FOR j TO UPB y DO [ ] CHAR bin = to bin(f, y[j]); FOR i TO UPB bin DO next pos (f); set bin mood (f); REF POS cpos = cpos OF f, lpos = lpos OF book OF f; CASE text OF f IN ( FLEXTEXT t2): t2 [p OF cpos ] [l OF cpos] [c OF cpos] := bin [i] ESAC; c OF cpos+:= 1; IF cpos BEYOND lpos THEN lpos := cpos ELIF ~ set possible (f) & POS (p OF lpos, l OF lpos, 1) BEYOND cpos THEN lpos := cpos; ( compressible (f) | © the size of the line and page containing the logical end of the book and of all subsequent lines and pages may be increased © ) FI OD OD OD ELSE undefined FI; Binary input
a) PROC get bin = (REF FILE f, [ ] INTYPE it) VOID: IF opened OF f THEN set bin mood (f); set read mood (f); FOR k TO UPB it DO [ ] SIMPLIN y = STRAIGHTIN it [k]; FOR j TO UPB y DO SIMPLOUT yj = CASE y[j] IN «(REF {L} INT i): i», « (REF {L} REAL r): r», «(REF {L} COMPL z): z», (REF BOOL b): b, «(REF {L} BITS lb): lb», (REF CHAR c): c, (REF [ ] CHAR s): s, ( REF STRING ss): ss ESAC; [ 1: UPB (to bin (f, yj))] CHAR bin; FOR i TO UPB bin DO next pos (f); set bin mood (f); REF POS cpos = cpos OF f; bin [i] := CASE text OF f IN ( FLEXTEXT t2): t2[p OF cpos] [l OF cpos] [c OF cpos] ESAC; c OF cpos+:= 1 OD; CASE y [j] IN « (REF {L} INT ii): ( from bin (f, ii, bin) | ({L} INT i): i i := i) », « (REF {L} REAL rr): ( from bin (f, rr, bin) | ({L} REAL r): rr := r)», « (REF {L} COMPL zz): ( from bin (f, zz, bin) | ({L} COMPL z): zz := z)», ( REF BOOL bb): (from bin (f, bb, bin) | (BOOL b): bb := b), « (REF {L} BITS lb): ( from bin (f, lb, bin) | ({L} BITS b): lb := b)», ( REF CHAR cc): ( from bin (f, cc, bin) | (CHAR c): cc := c), ( REF [ ]CHAR ss): ( from bin (f, ss, bin) | ([ ] CHAR s): ss := s), ( REF STRING ssss): ( from bin (f, ssss, bin) | ([ ] CHAR s): ssss := s) ESAC OD OD ELSE undefined FI;
{But Eeyore wasn't listening. He was taking the balloon out, and putting it back again, as happy as could be. ... Winnie-the-Pooh, A.A.Milne.}

